“Layer by layer "の作品は、意欲的で計画的でありながら、予測不可能な要素も受け入れている。このシリーズは、コントロールされたプロセスから生じる予期せぬ結果をバランス感覚を持って受け入れる。視線は、感覚的なブラシのストローク、滴り落ちる水滴、目がくらむようなスプレーペイントを目で追いながら、アーティストの意図的な選択の連鎖をたどる。それは観る者に、目に見える手がかりから最終結果に至るまでの行動の連鎖を組み立てるように促している。
最初に、前景の絡み合ったブラシの跡が進むべき道筋を示している。次に、下地となっている色彩の雲が創造の内在的な論理をさらに示唆する。“Layer by Layer "は、アーティストの手法と絵具の反応との間で、一進一退の対話を繰り返しながら制作された作品を展示している。
Thomas’s work is a dynamic interplay of spray paint, abstract art traditions, and the influence of digital tools, blurring the boundaries between these realms. He blends his interests in CGI aesthetics, photography, optical effects, and physical phenomena to create works with uncanny dimensional depth. Blurry swathes of vivid colors, castings of drips trickling on the walls, edgy marks and animations of nebulous gradients are among the examples of his artistic lexicon, encompassing painting, video and three-dimensional works.
His latest works mark a refined approach focused on the organic emergence of patterns from minimal intervention. Engaging in a dialogue of action and reaction, the artist tests the medium, which responds in ways that suggest the next step of the process. An unruly glaze, with its unexpected bleed, can become a new focal point for development. Layer after layer, brushstroke after brushstroke, decisions are aimed at achieving maximum impact with minimal input, using concise means to make bold impressions. The resulting visuals evoke natural phenomena and organic patterns, from microscopic cellular structures to large-scale celestial formations like nebulas.
The works of “Layer by layer” are driven and deliberate, yet receptive to unpredictability. The series embraces unexpected outcomes arising from a controlled process with a sense of balance. The eyes follow the sensual brushstrokes, the drips, and the dizzying sprays, unfolding the artist's chain of deliberate decisions. It invites viewers to piece together the sequence of actions leading to the final outcome from the visible cues.
First, intertwining brush marks in the foreground suggest a guiding path to follow. Then some underlying clouds of colors give more hints of an intrinsic logic of creation. “Layer by Layer” showcases works done th rough a step-by-step iterative process, in a back-and-forth dialogue between the artist's inputs and the painting medium’s reactions.
Thomas Gillant "LAYER BY LAYER"
“Layer by layer "の作品は、意欲的で計画的でありながら、予測不可能な要素も受け入れている。このシリーズは、コントロールされたプロセスから生じる予期せぬ結果をバランス感覚を持って受け入れる。視線は、感覚的なブラシのストローク、滴り落ちる水滴、目がくらむようなスプレーペイントを目で追いながら、アーティストの意図的な選択の連鎖をたどる。それは観る者に、目に見える手がかりから最終結果に至るまでの行動の連鎖を組み立てるように促している。
最初に、前景の絡み合ったブラシの跡が進むべき道筋を示している。次に、下地となっている色彩の雲が創造の内在的な論理をさらに示唆する。“Layer by Layer "は、アーティストの手法と絵具の反応との間で、一進一退の対話を繰り返しながら制作された作品を展示している。
Thomas’s work is a dynamic interplay of spray paint, abstract art traditions, and the influence of digital tools, blurring the boundaries between these realms. He blends his interests in CGI aesthetics, photography, optical effects, and physical phenomena to create works with uncanny dimensional depth. Blurry swathes of vivid colors, castings of drips trickling on the walls, edgy marks and animations of nebulous gradients are among the examples of his artistic lexicon, encompassing painting, video and three-dimensional works.
His latest works mark a refined approach focused on the organic emergence of patterns from minimal intervention. Engaging in a dialogue of action and reaction, the artist tests the medium, which responds in ways that suggest the next step of the process. An unruly glaze, with its unexpected bleed, can become a new focal point for development. Layer after layer, brushstroke after brushstroke, decisions are aimed at achieving maximum impact with minimal input, using concise means to make bold impressions. The resulting visuals evoke natural phenomena and organic patterns, from microscopic cellular structures to large-scale celestial formations like nebulas.
The works of “Layer by layer” are driven and deliberate, yet receptive to unpredictability. The series embraces unexpected outcomes arising from a controlled process with a sense of balance. The eyes follow the sensual brushstrokes, the drips, and the dizzying sprays, unfolding the artist's chain of deliberate decisions. It invites viewers to piece together the sequence of actions leading to the final outcome from the visible cues.
First, intertwining brush marks in the foreground suggest a guiding path to follow. Then some underlying clouds of colors give more hints of an intrinsic logic of creation. “Layer by Layer” showcases works done th rough a step-by-step iterative process, in a back-and-forth dialogue between the artist's inputs and the painting medium’s reactions.
Thomas Gillant "LAYER BY LAYER"